Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Well I have to go back for more scans (torture) and an ultrasound. There was some shadowing on my first scans, but they have nothing to compare it to since it was my first time. My appointment is this Monday and the doctor is supposed to look at the scans and tell me during the appt what the results are.

I'll post again soon.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Not Intended for Male Readers

Warning – The following blog does contain some graphic detail.

Ladies I've got 2 words for you..."Mammograms suck!" Yesterday I got to experience my very first mammogram. It was not very pleasant to say the least. First they took me in this special waiting room that had changing rooms and lockers so I could change into this special gown with two buttons in the front. Then they offer you herbal tea and have you sit and wait for the technician. I thought the herbal tea was a nice touch to try to relax us woman as we wait to be tortured. Next the female technician (because I would've walked out had it been a man) comes to take you to “the room”. The room is dark (probably a good thing) and in the middle is the machine. She tells me she is going to do one side at a time and walks me through the positioning step by step. She takes the first 2 shots (up and down), and I think to myself “that wasn’t so bad. I can handle this”. Then she says “now were going to turn the machine sideways to get a different angle”. Nobody warned me about sideways. Now she’s moving me all around like a game of Twister. Put your right arm her, hold your left arm there, put your legs there, tilt your head back, shoulders down, turn to the side, lean back and hold your breath and don’t move. She yanked on my breast, while the corner of the metal plate was shoved in my armpit, and then she smashed it between the two plates so tight. I’m standing there “ouch, ouch, make it stop” and holding my breath until it beeps and releases me from its clutches. She had to do that for each side! I am still pretty sore today.

So it is finally over, but the torture does not end. Now they tell me it takes 5-10 working days for the results. Are you freaking kidding me? Do they not realize how mental a women can go if you let her ponder something in her head for 5-10 days. I already went into this appointment really nervous considering that my Dr. ordered the mammogram after my annual examination. Then add the recent news of Christina Applegate having breast cancer, and that she ended up having a double mastectomy and she is the same age as me. I am a worrier in general, so this is not good folks. Now I am just doing a lot of praying and trying to have a lot of faith that everything will be ok. Hopefully I will get results on Monday at my follow-up appointment. I will keep you posted.

If you are a man reading this do me and yourself a favor. Next time you see your mom, wife, sister or other female friend, remember that if she isn't already she will eventually be enduring this same "procedure" ONCE A YEAR.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

I'm Making a Comeback

Tonight I am going to see the “Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2” with my mom and my sister and it got me thinking about sequels. Mainly about movie sequels that should have never been made. Here is a list I have come up with in no particular order.

1. Dumb & Dumberer: When Harry met Lloyd
2. Grease 2
3. Airplane 2
4. Porky’s 2
5. Legally Blonde 2 (and I love Reese)
6. Speed 2
7. Hot Shots Part Duex (although I didn’t care for the 1st one either)
8. Rocky 4, 5, & 6
9. Weekend at Bernie’s 2
10. Mannequin 2
11. The Karate Kid 2 & 3
12. Predator vs. Alien
13. Miss Congeniality 2
14. Teen Wolf Too
15. Revenge of the Nerds 2
16. Dirty Dancing – Havana nights
17. Jaws 3
18. The Fly 2
19. Child’s Play 2 & 3
20. Batman 2

Now it’s your turn. Let me know if there are any that I missed. I’m sure there are plenty more.

Friday, June 20, 2008

I'm off to Hawaii (I wish!!)

What Your Pizza Reveals

People may tell you that you have a small appetite... but you aren't under eating. You just aren't a pig.

You are a very picky pizza eater. Not any pizza will do. You fit in best in the Northeast part of the US.

You like food that's traditional and well crafted. You aren't impressed with "gourmet" foods.

You are dependable, loyal, and conservative with your choices.

You are carefree and friendly. You should consider traveling to Hawaii.

The stereotype that best fits you is geek. You're the type most likely to order pizza to avoid leaving your computer.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Yes!! This was always my favorite Muppet.

You Are Animal

A complete lunatic, you're operating on 100% animal instincts.

You thrive on uncontrolled energy, and you're downright scary.

But you sure can beat a good drum.

"Kill! Kill!"

I think "kill kill" might be going a littler overboard to describe me. I do like to beat a good drum though. :)

Friday, March 14, 2008

Victory in Jesus, My Savior Forever

Last night's "Evening of Worship" was amazing. The raw emotion that everyone was feeling, the uplifting and inspirational music from the worship team and then the spark of hope, renewal, mercy, faith and VICTORY that our Lead Team ignited in us. We are a family Revolution Church, and we stand united with God to fight the enemy.

Before Christina got up to speak about mercy I grabbed the bible from the pew. You know how they say you can't just open up a bible and point to any verse and find what you are looking for? Well I am one to always test that theory. I opened up the bible where the marker had been left, looked down at the pages and these 2 verses caught my eye.

Philippians 2

1Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any (A)fellowship of the Spirit, if any (B)affection and compassion,
2(C)make my joy complete by (D)being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose.

I don't know how better to sum up the message that God was speaking to us last night. I know that we will be triumphant. My brothers and sisters, I love you all.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

What really matters

It's funny how what really matters can change so drastically. One day I am focused on this person "Anonymous" and what would possess them to go around attacking a person for no reason, and the next day those thoughts are replaced with complete sadness for 2 families in my church. My heart is aching for them and the pain I can only imagine they are feeling. Then I just feel stupid for letting some dumb person get to me when in reality I should be focused on satan's mission to destroy God's followers. (Hey Rick, I did his name in lower case just for you.)

I always thought a pastor had protective armor that satan couldn't break through. I thought that since God was using them in such amazing ways that they were untouchable, immune, shielded from any attacks the enemy would attempt. I was wrong and I don't understand why. Part of me can see the logic and knows the truth, but then the naive side takes over and wants to only see the good in everything and pretend there is no bad in the world. That the strong leaders who have taught me so much will remain strong and unchanging. That families of God stay together and love each other as much as they love the Lord.

At this point I am emotionally drained. If I'm not crying or just completely numb on the outside, I am kicking and screaming, sobbing, mourning, gut-wrenching, broken and despaired on the inside. All that is left is hope and faith that things will end up as they should. I pray that God will watch over us all in this time, and that he will help us to lift each other up and stand unified in this war we are fighting.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A picture is worth a 1000 words.

I am usually the last person to get involved in a Political discussion, but this picture compelled me a little.

Senator Barack Obama, Governor Bill Richardson, Senator Hillary Clinton and Ruth Harkin stand during the national anthem. Barack Hussein Obama's photo (that's his real name)......the article said he REFUSED TO NOT ONLY PUT HIS HAND ON HIS HEART DURING THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, BUT REFUSED TO SAY THE PLEDGE.....how in the world can a man like this expect to be our next Commander-in-Chief ????

Why would someone running for President of the United States refuse to put his hand over his heart and say the Pledge of Allegiance? Are we to expect the Pledge to be banned if he is elected?

Monday, January 28, 2008

An Original Psalm by Tommy

For those of you who were not at Revolution Downey on Sunday (and for those that were), we were learning how to write our own Psalm. Here is what my 11-year-old Tommy wrote and then read out loud in church.

"Jesus, You are the wonderful creator, teacher, father. In my life, You have provided me with a loving family, given me talents and intelligence. When I'm connecting with You, I feel safe and peaceful. In my life, I will choose You over anything in the world. I love You because You are the one who made me and have given me a wonderful family."

I sat in the back with pride and amazement as the tears were welling up in my eyes. I couldn't believe these beautiful, thoughtful words came out of my son. After the service Christopher and I both looked at each other and said "you have to post this on your blog". "But of course."


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Martin

Everyday after work I go to pick up Jimmy from Preschool. We walk to his classroom to sign him “out” and pick up his lunch and papers from his box. Well yesterday after I pulled out the papers from his box he grabs what’s called a “Weekly Reader”, opens it up and says “we get a stay at home day because it’s this guy’s birthday” and he points to this picture if Martin Luther King Jr.

I start cracking up, and he says “why are you laughing”. As you may know a 4-year old is very sensitive about laughing after they’ve said something. I say “Jimmy that was really cool what you just said”. He smiles the “yeah, I know I’m cute” smile. I continue to laugh and he kind of looks at me like “I don’t know why you think that is so funny”. Of course, as a parent, when your child says something funny it’s usually 4 times funnier to you then to somebody else. As we are walking out I am still pretty hysterical laughing. He says “you can stop laughing now Mom”, with that look of my mom has just lost it. I just love that kids are so matter of fact like that. It doesn’t matter to him who MLKJ is, just that he gets to miss school because of his birthday.

(sigh) Kids have it so good.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Yellow, Red, Green, Green, Green

My apologies for not blogging in a while. Well I survived the Holidays. We started with Thanksgiving at Tim's sister house and 35 of his immediate family. (and that was only about 1/2 of them) Good times. Then onto the "big" Rubber Industry Christmas party the following week. The whole evening felt pretty surreal. Everything was flying by and the whole year was coming to an end fast.

Next was Tim's Christmas party for work. Definitely a different atmosphere from mine. Hardly anyone from the Education Dept came. We had some laughs, but ended up leaving early. Then my work decided that the week before Christmas would be a good time to have an Open House, so we were so busy preparing for that and our Christmas luncheon. There were a lot of late nights spent shopping, wrapping and decorating. And blah blah blah, now onto the good stuff.

My church put together a very dramatic Christmas Service. We really have many talented people. I also helped pass out Free Toys for kids in Norwalk with church. It was so good to see all of their little smiling faces. God Bless the company that donated a truckload of toys. I just pray that my children will remember the true meaning of Christmas and not just the toys and games they received. Thank you Lord for sending your only Son, and for the many blessings you have given us. I mean that sincerely regardless of the paragraph I am about to write.

One thing that happened over the holidays is that I discovered a "new" talent that I have. It turns out that I can totally shred on Guitar Hero. I knew I had coordination, but who knew that I could "rock" with the best of them. It is my new guilty pleasure I must admit and feel no shame for. My thanks to the maker of Guitar Hero I, II & III!!!