Monday, January 28, 2008

An Original Psalm by Tommy

For those of you who were not at Revolution Downey on Sunday (and for those that were), we were learning how to write our own Psalm. Here is what my 11-year-old Tommy wrote and then read out loud in church.

"Jesus, You are the wonderful creator, teacher, father. In my life, You have provided me with a loving family, given me talents and intelligence. When I'm connecting with You, I feel safe and peaceful. In my life, I will choose You over anything in the world. I love You because You are the one who made me and have given me a wonderful family."

I sat in the back with pride and amazement as the tears were welling up in my eyes. I couldn't believe these beautiful, thoughtful words came out of my son. After the service Christopher and I both looked at each other and said "you have to post this on your blog". "But of course."


1 comment: said...

That was awesome. You have a lot to be proud of!