Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Oh the Angst!

My baby got braces yesterday! Poor Tommy. For the next 24 months no more soda, popcorn, candy, caramel apples, gum, sunflower seeds, nuts and all the other "no-no's". For a person needing to lose a few lbs, this sounds like the perfect diet, but for my son "Mr. Skin n Bones, I don't think so. I am going to have to come up with lots of things for him to eat so that he doesn't wither away to nothing. Oh the flashbacks of wearing braces. It seemed never ending for me. He is actually pretty lucky. He is only 10 and will probably have them off by the time he is 13. I got them on at 14 and didn't get them off until 17. Pretty much all of High School. Not a good time for a teenage girl to have a mouth full of metal.

Does anyone else have some horrible flashbacks or words of encouragement for Tommy (and me)?


Jamie Stavenger said...

At least you can have some fun with the colors of the bands these days! I was stuck with the plain'ol gray bands. :( No fun.

isellseals said...

i didn't adhere to the "no foods" rules after the first 9 months. so he'll be sneaking stuff soon enough. =)