Monday, August 27, 2007

Mom's Rule

This is totally something I would do.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

New Scam going around

There is nothing I can't stand more then dishonest people trying to take advantage of me. There is a new "scam" that I have encountered, and their name is "Lil Angels". (the name just makes their scam that much worse) Lil Angels is a photography company that goes around to the preschools, dress your kids up and take their picture. They have all kinds of costumes and props, and they spend lots of time to make sure to get the perfect shot with multiple costume changes. Then the school sends home a notice that your child has had their picture taken, and the pictures will be available for purchase on said date. The day rolls around and you are at your child's school and here is this photographer with packages full of pictures of your child for you to look at. Of course, the picture is absolutely adorable and your child looks like a "lil angel" and you just have to have these pictures because you are sure they will never look this cute in a picture again. So now this photographer has you sucked in by your own child's cuteness and they go for the kill. "That will be $30 per sheet." PER SHEET! Are you kidding me? You think to yourself no way can I pay that much for one 5x7 and four wallets, but then you look down at the picture and you can't help it. You have just been scammed! Here is an example of my own weakness.Don't let yourself be the next victim! Beware of "Lil Angels"!!!